Monday, August 16, 2010

i spy with my little eye....

lets play a game...
look at the picture...
who can find the "faux cami"?

this faux cami has solved two of my biggest problems:
1-wearing multiple layers to cover everything ;)
2-my OUT OF CONTROL sweat issues because of those multiple layers!

i came across this tutorial to make a "faux cami"
{but as my husband likes to call it...the "FIRT" fake+shirt= FIRT}
and i swear to you, i saw the heavens open and angels singing!

it took about 10 minutes to make, and cost me nothing since i used an old t-shirt of mine AND i just used the hem of the shirt for the hem of the "firt", so there was hardly any sewing!
i used velcro instead of snaps since i didn't have the snap kit, but i really like the way the velcro works out. i'm able to adjust how tight or loose, or how high or low the "firt" is.
and as you can tell, i opted to not do the pin tucks, as seen in the tutorial, but i am still thrilled with the way it turned out!

i was so excited about this and had to share it with all of my friends and sisters in laws that have the same issues.
although, it might have looked a little odd to look over at church and see a bunch of women looking in my shirt to see exactly how it worked! :)

what a relief it is to not have to wear multiple layers anymore!
thank you firt.